
Topic: "Climb It Chains" (8)
There is 40 inches of snow on the ground in that state near Massachusetts that Frodo never can seem to spell correctly. It is raining now in the Shire, and the temperature is 30 degrees cooler than it was the day before yesterday. Seven predominantly agricultural states in the Midwest are no longer selling corn for ethanol production because of the on-going drought. January was the warmest month ever recorded on our small blue planet.
Wood storks are nesting in the Okeefenokee Swamp, an event that has never before happened. The glaciers covering Greenland have melted to a point that the mass thereof is smaller than at any point in recorded history. Tornadic activity in February is more frequent than in the memory or the record-keeping of anyone observing the gun-toting sections of Mordor. Most telling of all is the fact that Frodo wears two pair of socks, constantly.
Frodo could go on all day, but the research involved would only further deteriorate his already blue funk. It goes without saying that the weather changes, and that any given day can reflect the most of this or the least of that, Frodo is not totally immune to his environment after all. What concerns Frodo most of all is the fact that it is the "Orcness" in all of us that may be responsible. The change, it seems, is in the eye of the beholder.
Frodo's dulling memory synapses come through less frequently in his behalf than seemed to occur during his youth. He remembers however, someone once saying that "If you took away everything that Man has added to the Earth, it would then again be perfect." Who can argue?