
Topic: "Out of Kilter" (5)
In the days before the 1996 Olympic Summer Games in Atlanta, there was a substantial effort by the city fathers to at least appear prepared for the onslaught of visitors from around the world. Frodo knew that, in the end, something would happen to portray the local populace as rubes. Not least of these was the telephone call received in the domestic call center from a gentleman in New Mexico who wished to purchase tickets for the track & field events. The customer service personage was polite, but forceful, directing the caller back to the international call center, since he was calling from a foreign country, New Mexico. We all know exactly how foreign New Mexico is to anyone from Georgia.
Frodo is relieved to report that his residence in the Shire has now been outdone by residents in the great State of Utah. It happened just the other day when Craig Jessop, Principal of Rocky Mountain Junior High School in West Haven, sent young Gavin McFarland, age 14, home early. Principal Jessop it seemed, was concerned about the kilt that Master McFarland had worn, two days in a row, as a prop for an art project. Principal Jessop felt that his clothing could be misconstrued as "cross-dressing."
Frodo watched "Braveheart" again the other night, and he can attest to the fact that Mel Gibson demonstrated to all the world, except perhaps West Haven Utah, that Scots definitely had balls. Frodo wonders if Principal Jessop's career before school administration was with Ticketron? Surely there can't be two people ifrom the greatest country in the history of Man to actually be so damn dumb (Persons representing minority party status excepted, of course)?