
Topic: "Startin'fromScratch"(6)
Rare it is that Frodo fails to possess a dominant concern about the state of the world, and rarer still that his synapses are stifled by a malignant myeloma at every turn. This is such a night, and Frodo pounds a keyboard as if he knew with what the next sentence will begin, and truthfully he has no clue. With his Title as inspiration, Frodo will astound some, antagonize others, and perhaps say something that will help put something into focus for all of us.
Frodo does not know what his position is on immigration reform. What he does know is that there are an awful lot of poor and hungry people in this world, and they all seem to want to leave where they are and to go somewhere where the opportunity for three square meals per day is enhanced. Central Americans knock on the door, or tunnel under it, and head North. Central Europeans pack themselves into automobiles similar to those once used by employees of Barnum & Bailey, and head North. Middle Easterners utilize a combination of agrarian and pedestrian resources in order to arrive in geographical dispersions ending in "Stan," "Ance," or "Tain." Central Africans die before they get there, or they are killed while sitting in tents, waiting to die. Central Asians are victims of earthquakes, which explains why they smioke so many cigarettes.
With all this movement about our small, blue planet, it seems so illogical that we have no plan for handling the millions of people who have slipped across the borders of the United States. Didn't we handle the millions of Africans so easily assimilated into our society, says Frodo, in a mere 291 years? Ed. Note: Frodo assumes that the beginning point is 1719, the "Red Letter Year" specified in his fourth-grade Virginia History Book. Italians and the Irish became instant players in the growth of metropolitan establishments like Toledo, Las Vegas, and Newark. And what about the Japanese? We even provided them with free housing.
So why can't we accept the fact that these non-English speaking vagabonds are simply a repeat of the orange-pickers from Oklahoma who descended upon California in the 1930's? The "Okies" didn't speak English either (Frodo defies any reader to translate "Boomer Sooner.") In fact, the only people who seemed to get out of whack with Tom Joad and company were residents of a couple of Western States. So maybe this makes the current unpleasantness their problem, and not Frodo's.
Besides, the residents of Arizona are all over 80 and have nothing else to bitch about (except the cost of caskets).
Not bad for not having a clue when this monstrosity commenced, eh what?