
Topic: "A Patriot Act" (7)
That which is known as "Super Tuesday" will be upon us next week, after the Michigan and Arizona Primaries are held on the morrow. Frodo sees no need to elucidate. The media have done an excellent job preparing us for what has turned out to be an examination more thorough than anything not requiring a vaginal probe. It is significant however that Frodo will, once again, have an opportunity to exhibit his patriotism by, for the fourth time, voting against Newt Gingrich.
Like Michigan, Georgia is an "open Primary," so the decision to be made is for whom one should vote in order to add to the total for the weakest Republicant. Frodo, in a Presidential Election some years ago actually cast a vote for Pat Buchanan as the most desirable candidate opposing William Jefferson Clinton. The "open" Primary gives Frodo the opportunity to vote against three morons, and that will certainly include his corpulence. Frodo was originally planning to vote for the "fake Libertarian" Texas Ron Paul, thereby lumping Santini Santorum and Willard Romney into his unholy trifecta, but he has decided that this guy Santorum deserves to be the candidate most likely to humiliate every member of the GOP for the remainder of this millenium. So when the returns are reported on Tuesday next, remember that the race has been influenced, however slightly, by the vote of the Hobbit.
Note also, dear reader, that this will be the fourth time, and hopefully the last, that Frodo will cast a vote in opposition to Newt ("Once, twice, three times a Congressman"). Given the results of earlier primaries, this will likely be the "last round-up" for our Porky Pig stand-in. Never again will we hear how he "worked with Ronald Reagan".
Frodo is proud of what he has done on behalf of his country, voting against this sleazy, hypocrtical, lump of suet four times.
Frodo can almost hear all the members of the Fellowship as they chant "USA, USA, USA!"
How sweet it is.