
Topic: "Simba"(8)
Fiona Apple is a performer who won the admiration of a Hobbit because she canceled her business arrangements in order to become the care provider for her friend, Janet. Janet is a 14 year-old pit bull, suffering from Addison's Disease. Don't let the tears well up inside however, since Frodo's purpose in his words this evening are because of Fiona Apple, not in spite of her.
Frodo today met Simba, who could well pass for the wire-haired one known as Asta, to those who would remember Nick & Nora, cast upon the big screen as "The Thin Man." Simba is, not unlike Janet, 14 years old, and her future is equally challenged. She is however, not quite so well served since she now resides in the confines of the "kill shelter" where Frodo volunteers. For whatever reason, those who shared life with Simba gave her up to others in order to handle the inevitable outcome. Frodo rarely speaks ill without a simple attempt to at least understand the hapless motivations of those who act so crudely. Today however, he watched as the little dog didn't bother to even evacuate, but to circle the cage, endlessly, looking for a familiar face to the rescue. Sure she was that the family motor car would soon arrive, even without a bugle identifying the Seventh Cavalry.
For all the good done by one person like Fiona Apple, Frodo recognizes how little he shares with those who would surrender a family member, and not look back.
Frodo hopes that the mindless cretins, sure he is at what they must be, share not in the Power Ball riches at hand, but that the person, or Hobbit, who does win, does so to rescue and care for a little dog, named Simba.
If you, dear reader, know of someone so inclined. . . If not, a simple prayer will do.