
Topic: "The Grumpy Dwarf"(9)
Frodo long ago promised himself that he would never become an overweight, angry, old man existing only to outlive his opponents. At times, he feels, once again, all alone. With few exceptions, his hobbit friends are old, overweight, and angry. It becomes increasingly difficult for Frodo to respectfully regard the opinions of others as if they were truly independent and democratic in thought.
Fifty years ago Frodo was but a few kilometers removed from the scene of one of the greatest speeches ever delivered by humankind. He did not attend. Frodo cannot remember if he was forbidden to attend by higher authority, or if he simply chose to avoid the traffic.
On that day it was first peacefully acknowledged that children should someday walk hand-in-hand regardless of the colors that separated them. It would someday be true that they would be judged by their character, and not the color of that skin. Sad it is that the four young offspring of the dreamer failed on the character charge, and sought, primarily, to enrich themselves while exerting a minimal amount of effort in the realization of that dream. One is an actor, one is a minister, and the other two make speeches about their father. Not a single one has ever swung a sword, but the ability to collect a royalty seems to be an inherited fact of life.
Once each week Frodo walks the loneliest of the lonely, and he shares a few moments of human kindeness, and a hairbrush trailing softly through the coat and mane of those not rushing to return to the dry and cool of the indoors. They do not judge Frodo by the color of his skin. They wish only to have another week, or two, of Frodo's best effort. Frodo's character is what is tested, and, this time, he will not let traffic get in the way.