
Topic: "Doofus" (9)
Nicole Wallace raised the ears of the Hobbit when she referred to the soon-to-be ex-Governor of Texas as a "doofuss." Said reference surprised the Hobbit because Nicole had been Campaign Manager for George W. Bush as well as one of the "preparers" for Sarah Palin. Joe Scarborough tried to challenge the tone, but Ms. Wallace would not step back from asserting her opinion of the guy with all the hair, but no brains. As he, himself, once said, "Oops."
Perhaps the Hobbit would similarly draw a response not unlike his own noted above from Ms. Wallace if he referred to John Boehner as a "doofuss." Admittedly, the reference which follows was an error (but, in Boehner's case, what isn't an error?), but Frodo laughed out loud and decided to share his amusement with the Fellowship.
CNN is famous for the news clips which constantly stream along the bottom of its broadcasts. Today, under the heading of "Politics," it was reported that Speaker Boehner continues in his enlightened refusal to support any immigration reform as long as the safety of our "boarders" was at risk.
"Boarders?" As in somebody renting an apartment? Does this mean that a political struggle of this magnitude exists mainly because the top Republican in all the land thinks we're fighting rent control? Frodo could not help but wonder if such an error might just be indicative of other issues struggling through the least effective Congress in our National experience. Can you imagine, dear reader, why Speaker Boehner never mentions "sequestration" much anymore? Could it be that he thinks people are talking about George Zimmerman's Jury trial or that over-blown horse owned by Ann Romney? Well, what about the "Fiscal cliff?"
Boehner, indeed, does need to take a "flying leap," and that is one thing upon which almost all of us agree.