
Topic: "Pope for a Day" (10)
"Mr. Pope?"
"Yes my son?"
"What, exactly, do you think your 'Big Guy' thinks about the Georgia State Legislature?"
"You mean those guys who assumed the responsibility for not funding healthcare assistance to more than 640,00 of their constituents?" Even, as I understand it, the cost of which was to be totally funded by the Federal Government for the first three years and at a level not less than 90% annually thereafter?" Is that what you're asking about?"
"Mostly, but I'm probably more curious about what your 'Big Guy' would say since the constituents are overwhelmingly poor, elderly, the very people if you will he demands that his followers service."
"There is a place for those who are hypocritical, who claim to follow him, and who ignore his teachings in reality."
"Close, try again."
"Actually I was thinking of Gwinnett County. We all know that God does not love those who live there."
"Are you saying that the Georgia State Legislature will reap as it has sown?"
"Have you noticed that none of them are underweight? That diabetes increases exponentially?"
"Are they trulu that foolish?"
"The mortal sin my son, is greed."
"Any advice for me?"
"Delta is ready when you are."