Baby if I Made You Mad, Something I Might Have Said
Topic: "Balls"(10)
Social media, if that's what we'r known for, seems to be fixated with balls. The quarterback of the Super Bowl winning New England Patriots may have started it when he found himself in the squabble lane amid improperly inflated balls. Snickering commenced and in a manner that would've made Rachel Ames angry, nobody seemed capable of laughing out loud. The mentor of the wordsmith once taught that laughter was healthy, while snickering was ignorance. Frodo seems to have forgotten that lesson.
Legolas was speaking before the class. Frodo and Tom Bombadil had shared a joke in the hallway as they approached, and were snickering. From the curiously designed, but easily recognizable, faux furniture labeled as "desks" Frodo and Tom desperately tried to retain a semblance of decorum. They failed. Each time one snickered, so did the other, and no sooner did one grasp control then the other lost it. It continued, and it continued, leaving Legolas in the quandry of what was wrong, and everyone else wondered what they must have missed. Finally, Legolas could take no more, and he bellowed "What the Hell is so damn funny?" There was no rational response. The subject of the joke was juvenile, and there was no presentation that would make the class laugh.
Rachel took control when she asked the class at large if any of the assembly had ever been to a show, a movie, or any other presentation of obscenity. The whole class fell silent as one-by-one, boys and girls alike, responded. Fascinated were all as each waited to see what each other would say. Not one snicker. When it was Frodo's turn, Rachel's eyes danced over him and passed on to the next in line, without a word.
Frodo knew that the lesson was his. Much was expected of the hobbit it seems, and a great teacher knew how to make the lesson worthwhile. The laughter you hear is Frodo, wondering if Tom Brady even has any balls at all.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 1:37 PM EST