
Topic: "Rose Garden Promises"(4)
March fourth is the one day of the year that is a verbal command to go forward. How appropriate, writes Frodo, that the Republican Party will tomorrow announce that the oldest man to ever be nominated for the Presidency by a major political party will appear in the Rose Garden with the worst President in our national experience. Even now, the Republicans are unable to accept the symbolism of missing the train, if only by a single day. John McCain is an unacceptable leadership alternative, despite the fact that he is the direct political descendant of the current officeholder. Their relationship merely proves that not all Neanderthals disappeared during the Ice Age.
John McCain served his country well, forty years ago. He has absolutely no qualifications that justify a leadership role in economic matters. He has absolutely no inspirational appeal when he stumbles about a dais, holding a microphone as if it were a Good Humor Bar, and likens the uninformed throng before him as if they were close and personal acquaintances. He appeals to the total lack of common sense that permeates those who supported George W. Bush, twice, and have, as yet, neglected to wipe the drool from their mouths.
Frodo has faced Orcs on many occasions. Sauron's final supporter has been identified and stands before the Fellowship of the Ring at the Black Gate. Despite all the differences that exist between the peoples of Middle Earth, and the conflicts for leadership therein, all good men know that now is the time to destroy the Ring. John McCain must lose.
Merry, Eowyn, Legolas, Boromir, the fallen Galadriel all stand with shield and sword to rally behind Aragorn, as Sam and Frodo overcome Gollum at the brink of Mount Doom. It is a mortal struggle that ensues, that which borders hope with ignorance. Sauron will gird his general and send him into the fray. It will not be easy, but it must be done.
John McCain must be defeated, totally. The Ring will be no more.