
Topic: "Bo's Birthday"(5)
Frodo had every intention of spending a few moments tonight lampooning the performance of Somali pirates who mistakenly assaulted a French warship ("Mr. Christian, Mr. Christian. . ."), or he was going to munch on a chewie in honor of that Australian Water Dog (whatever?) residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue whose first birthday was today. But NO, for here comes Lisa, the Howler Monkey, and her secret lover, Michael Steele, Nimrod of the Republicants, leading some sort of defense of the sanctity of Jimmy Carter's Nobel Prize. Frodo almost corresponded directly with these simians in order to get some definition of their mental masturbation, but concluded that he had neither the patience nor the inclination to draw himself away from the ALDS game starting in a few moments (that's baseball acronym jargon which would take far too long to explain to either the uninitiated or to Lisa, the Howler Monkey).
Recent readers of Frodo's digital creations will note Frodo's commentaries on the Presidential performance of Barack Obama at the United Nations. Frodo told all that they were present at the birth of the "Obama Doctrine," and that multilateral action would replace the unilateral scuffles which have seemingly brought all of Middle Earth to the brink of Mount Doom. Given the very ground rules of the Noble Commission, which recognize the actions of those who bring contributions to all who inhabit our small, blue planet, how could any rational being object to a nomination in behalf of one who orchestrated an international ass-kicking of Iran and its imbecilic government?
This is the same guy that, personally, accumulated a 15-0 vote of the Security Council to bring a halt to nuclear weapons proliferation. When, Frodo asks, has there last been a vote of 15-0 by the Security Council on anything, including deciding on what time to break for lunch? Who, Frodo asks, in their right mind, could legitimately argue that he hasn't done anything? Need Frodo go further in order to expand upon his disdain for Lisa, the Howler Monkey, and her gang of refugees from Animal Farm (that's a book Lisa, you know one of those things with binding and words inside).
Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, is bringing the world together to deal with the issues of our time, and that, in and of itself, is a damn good reason for him to get a pretty keen award, and $1.4 Million to donate to charity. It is what the Noble Peace Prize is all about. You da man.
Before Frodo seeks solace in the vestiges of Abner Doubleday, he felt it important to note that it is true that Obama was nominated for the award within 11 days of his Inauguration. What we don't know is who nominated him. Nominations can come from literally hundreds of individuals around the world, and the nominating process does not end on the date the nomination is received. Those who voted the award to President Obama, in Frodo's opinion, did a good job.