That's Why I'm Leavin'
Topic: "Imagine,General Newt"(6)
"Soldier, come here now!"
"Yessir, Sergeant Frodo here, Sir."
"Sergeant, what exactly is going on over there?"
"Over where, General Sir?"
"Those men in uniform, over there, in the hallway, here in the Pentagon, they're all on their knees."
"Yessir General, those men are praying."
"Praying? I've never seen anybody pray like that, and there are lots of Jews and Catholics in Pennsylvania, where I'm originally from."
"Those soldiers are Muslims, General Sir, and they are called to prayer five times each day."
"Muslims? Here? In the Pentagon? After their brothers crashed an airplane right over there, and killed all them innocent people on 9-11. Who allowed this travesty to occur?"
"General Sir, those are officers and enlisted men of the United States, in fact, several of their comrades were among those killed and wounded on that terrible day."
"Well, if you ask me, I think we now have some idea of how that whole thing got to take place."
"Sir? What are you saying?"
"Well, first of all, it is insulting to those who survived the attack to have those who committed that horrible crime to even be in this building, much less putting on a display of their exhibitions. But, dodn't you think it is likely that our security was jeopardized by them giving their fellow towelheads information about our nation's defenses?"
"Sir, I don't believe that for a minute. I know some of those soldiers, and they are good soldiers, good Americans."
Well, soldier, now you know why you're a Sergeant, and I am a General."
"If you'll excuse me Sir, I have to return to my duties."
"Just you remember what I said. What did you say your name was, boy?"
"Frodo Sir, Sergeant Frodo."
"Well, Sergeant Frodo, that's a pretty strange name, you're not one of them are you?"
"No Sir, I am a Hobbit."
"A Hobbit eh, is that something like a midget?"
"Sometimes Sir, when I hear uninformed people utter unimaginable drivel, I realize how small I become when I don't stand up for truth, and for justice. I realize then that it may cost me great pain and grief, but for anyone to question the integrity of people like those soldiers over there, just because of their faith, it becomes too much for even I, the smallest and the weakest."
"You are very naive, soldier."
"Perhaps Sir."
"If I didn't know better, I'd think that. . ."
"That Sir, is your problem. You don't know better. Now, if you'll return my salute of the rank, I'll be on my way. Understand, Sir, that the salute has nothing to do with you, just your rank. And Sir, rest assured I will have a difficult time forgetting what you have said. Especially when I see soldiers, on their knees, in prayer."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:35 PM EDT