
Topic: "Bon Giorno" (6)
After much careful thought and consideration, Frodo has come to the conclusion that he would like to become the next Prime Minister of Italy. The negatives considered include the continuing garbage crisis in Naples, the erosion of the ruins of ancient Pompeii, the growing presence of illegal immigrants from the southern shores of the Mediterranean, and deciding which heart-stoppingly beautiful teenager to accompany you to dinner and a few games of Parcheesi. The positives reflect the fact that there is a taste of Spring in the air, and the Hobbit, in case you hadn't noticed, is feeling a bit randy.
Frodo is also feeling encouraged about the world economy, given that there seem to be a number of unfilled vacancies in governmental administration in the Mediterrnean region. It is also quite conceivable that several more such opportunities are in the making. It seems as if there are more changes there than in the head coaching ranks of the NCAA. Frodo is hopeful, by the way, that the current Georgia Tech Basketball Head Coach seriously consider applying for the pending opening in Bahrain.
Back to Italy however, which is relatively easy given that Frodo joined an old friend for lunch today, and he insisted that they try Italian. Frodo's twisted sense of humor did not swing into action a single time however, since most of the waitresses appeared to be from Alabama, as opposed to Genoa or Milan. Too bad.
Mr. Berlusconi seems to have painted himself into the proverbial corner with his fiscal generosity and his vocational guidance to a number of mid-teens who just happened to be all from the same gender. The boys, Frodo assumes, are all vactioning in the Vatican. All of that aside, Frodo greatly admires the personal interest of the Italian Prime Minister in the well-being of these young people. Some may question where the Prime Minister thinks he may be going, given these antics? Frodo is less concerned with where the Prime Minister is going, especially after he's gotten a good look at where he's already been.
With temperatures in the low seventies, and cloudless skies supporting a full moon, Frodo and Sam, in pursuit of the aged canine contingent, are on their way to Lake Lovey, returning home on the day when Frodo has to stop concentrating on Italy's Prime Minister, knowing that there would be at least one veto ascribed to his candidacy. Alas.