Topic: "Teflon Causes Cancer"
Frodo has been watching polling data for several days. There is something very unusual and noteworthy in survey after survey reporting consistent figures. In this instance, opposition to the contractual management of US ports by a government-owned entity from the UAE has not dropped below 70%, and has been measured as high as 89%. It makes Frodo remember his days as a Lou Harris pollster.
Frodo was in graduate school, and was the recipient of a fellowship designed to increase public knowledge about the electoral process in the Shire. Prior to the Presidential Election in that year, the Lou Harris people approached the University (made out of ticky-tacky) and asked them if Frodo could be used as a Lou Harris pollster. Frodo agreed to the request, was issued an official Lou Harris identification card, and given a brief instruction on how the survey was to be conducted.
On two different days Frodo was dispatched to two different communities within the Shire. In the first community Frodo was instructed to find two willing respondents from any residence within a three-block grid. It took Frodo an entire day to find two willing participants, since the survey took over two hours to complete. The survey consisted of cards, numbered on the back, with statements about one of the Presidential candidates on the front. The respondent would silently read the statement and place it face down on a board with boxes ranging from "Agree Strongly" to "Disagree Strongly." Frodo would record the number on the back of each card in each box.
In the second community, which was very different from the first, Frodo was instructed to survey a household located on a corner lot, and a household in which at least one person was gainfully employed. In both instances the cards had conflicting statements. One might say, for example, "George W. Bush is a crook," and another might read "George W. Bush is not a crook" (it should be noted at this point that no one says that all of the statements are correct). The depth of sincerity by the participant would be reflected by the consistency of the responses.
Frodo always enjoyed being able to respond to people who railed against polls in subsequent times. Seeing the downcast look of someone who said "Nobody I know has ever been polled" in Frodo's presence was worth an admission price. Hearing Frodo explain how the respondents were chosen, and the detailing of the depth of the interview spiced up many a cocktail gathering.
The consistency of response, as mentioned above, is what has caught Frodo's attention in the current Bush SNAFU. The Citizens of Middle Earth have heard about the threats. The Citizens of Middle Earth have heard about the obvious flaws in security. The Citizens of Middle Earth have voted to support candidates who emphasized security above all else. The Citizens of Middle Earth have put all their cards in the same box, and it reads "Disagree Strongly."
The Teflon has worn thin on George W. Bush, and it may have exposed his fatal flaw. His inattentiveness to the issue, the haste of his response, and the misguided belief in his ability to persuade, may finally have caught up to Sauron.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:36 PM EST