
Topic: "Interstate Parking (2)"
Atlanta, formerly known as Marthasville, if nothing else, is certainly the transportation hub of the Southeast. The adage "To get to Hell you first have to pass through Atlanta," speaks volumes about all the spokes coming together in one place. Interstates 20, 75, and 85 criss-cross in the heart of downtown Atlanta, after each enters passes through the circumferential Interstate 285. Frodo is relatively certain that you, dear reader, already know all of this.
Things the reader does not know are a reflection of political chicanery, ignorance, racism, and the most bizarre reasoning this side of a Pre-Emptive War. Frodo divulges these facts for consideration (after all, what else does one do when sitting in traffic, listen to "Talk Radio?").
The proposal has been made that Interstate 75, coming from Chattanooga in the Nortwestern quadrant, be widened to 23 lanes. That is correct, 12 lanes in one direction and 11 in the other, to represent the widest roadway in the entire world. This, of course, is right in the heart of what was formerly the largest county in America with absolutely no public transportation. It is the heart of suburban Republicanism, the infamous "donut" populated by conservative White people. This is the Congressional District that once belonged to Newt, and now is represented by Tom Price, an obsequious little mouse of a medical practitioner. They did not need public transportation when it was first proposed, and they don't need it now. That is, as long as you hodads in Kansas and Pennsylvania pay for the widest highway in all the world.
To alleviate the traffic on the Northside loop of Interstate 285 between 75 and 85, the proposal was made that a new "Northern Arc," some 20 miles north of Interstate 285, would be constructed between the two Interstates. The heart of suburban Republicanism would be bi-sected, and the "donut" populace might face the issue of eminent domain head on. The proposal became a political issue in the most recent gubernatorial race, and "Sonny" Perdue became the first Republican Governor in Georgia since Reconstruction. Wanna guess what side of the argument "Sonny" represented? There is no "Northern Arc."
Interstate 85, coming from South Carolina in the Northeastern quadrant, bi-sects the most Republican of Counties, Gwinnett (Remember the "Runaway Bride?," this is where she lives). Rep John Linder who, along with Neil Boortz, has championed the unbelievably bizarre "Flathead Tax," in order to reduce his own personal tax bill at your expense, dear reader, is seeking Federal money in order to construct elevated roadways over the existing highway. As long as somebody else pays for it, John is there for his people.
Frodo would never imply that the traffic in which you sit is a partisan issue. Just remember the President thought it was more important to protect the sanctity of marriage today. Tomorrow he takes up the issue of burning the flag.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:25 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, June 5, 2006 10:29 PM EDT