
The Men of Gondor gathered in conversation over Italian food in a place to be known as Hooterville (in order to protect the innocence of an assemblage not likely to share in Frodo's fervent desire for the destruction of Sauron). Given the environment, Frodo watched nervously at every exit from the toilet, concerned with what may be in the hands of anyone coming in his direction (proof, we suppose, that Frodo has seen "The Godfather" too many times). While foraging through his salami and onions, Frodo was engaged by Denethor, a wise and gentle engineer of Gondor, who remarked that he often followed the words of Frodo, and found them both amusing as well as diverse. Frodo was flattered that one whom he regards highly for both his good nature and his science finds value in moments shared over Frodo's ramblings.
Denethor creates fresh water. From the dispositions of Hobbit and Man alike, Denethor has created huge facilites which scientifically treat and produce a refreshed entry into the environment of Middle Earth. Patiently, he led Frodo and the Men of Gondor on a tour through one such installation, explaining how 30,000 gallons of what Frodo formerly referred to as "poo-poo water," could safely flow every hour back into the tributaries from which the water first was drawn. Without the assurances of his friend, Frodo would never have seen beyond the mythology, not unlike those who cause such facilities to be constructed down stream from the major population sources.
An afternoon stroll followed this day, as the Men of Gondor scaled the arguably southernmost of the Appalachian mountains. The rocky tor that faced to the north rewarded them with a panoramic view of that which once had all been farming plain. Interspersed for many miles now are grotesque and landless structures which rise from the earth as if they were mushrooms in rings scattered about by seeding fairies. The absence of adequate rainfall has created rationing need for all, even with the scientific product of Denethor, because of its entering of existing tributaries far to the south. Mankind does not trust its science, despite the fact that it is the science which sets mankind above all others. Those who have not shared time with Denethor retain the "poo-poo water" imagery of the unenlightened Hobbit.
When he returned to the Shire, Frodo listened to the newly-nominated Surgeon General aver that he would resign rather than support politics over science. Nobody asking questions believed him, nor did Frodo. It is disconcerting to Frodo that the "poo-poo water" that does enter the environment untreated is so prevalent, and it seems to come from the same location.