
Topic: "Deep Shiite" (3)
Before Frodo has a heart attack, he would like to very briefly summarize a few facts, dear reader. Please do not assume that he doubts either your intelligence or your attention to recent history, for it remains evident that some others must have such doubts. What follows in paragraph number two is what we know, and in paragraph number three is what we are being told. Paragraph number three, in Frodo's humble opinion, is presented as if the facts of paragraph number two are not significant, and have no value in deciding upon a future course of action. That is what is making Frodo so very angry.
Saddam Hussein was a Sunni. The Sunni sect (if you will accept that term for the sake of simplicity) represented approximately 20% of the population of Iraq at the time the Pre-Emptive War began. The Sunnis, under Saddam Hussein, controlled the government of Iraq, and the Shiite sect, representing roughly 65% of the population of Iraq, had little influence in either policy or iimplementation under the dictator Hussein. The Kurds accounted for the majority of the remaining population, and nearly all of them were located in the same geographical area bordering Turkey. The Sunni government aligned itself with other predominantly Arab states in the region who were controlled by Sunnis. The Sunni government waged war against the predominantly Shiite state of Iran, and was no close ally of any state, Arab or no, which was predominantly Shiite. With the coming of the Pre-Emptive War, the Sunni government of Iraq fell, and it was replaced by a predominatly majority Shiite government, now under the leadership of Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki (a Shiite). Insurgencies developed, predominantly sectarian in nature, and both Sunnis and Shiites were armed into militia groups which struggled for power. Shiite clerics on one side, Sunni tribal leaders on the other, and Coalition troops, with some level of government roops in-between. This we know to be true, and it is the situation from which the "Petraeus report" has been developing.
General Petraeus has been having some level of relational intercourse with Prime Minister al-Maliki. The General has been reporting that Sunni Tribal Leaders have grown so disaffected with "al Qaeda" that even those who have participated in the insurgency against the Coalition, are being armed in order to fight against "al Qaeda." Prime Minister al-Maliki looks at it a little differently, being a Shiite, he is very concerned that the Coalition is therefore re-arming the very same guys who ran the government under Saddam Hussein, and who subjugated the Shiite majority. The Prime Minister has also noted that promised deliveries of arms and equipment to the predominantly Shiite Iraqi police force are way behind schedule. The fraying relationship reflects Petraeus' efforts to combat "al Qaeda," and al-Maliki's belief that all he is doing is re-arming the prior despots (except of course, for the late Mr. Hussein). The Prime Minister, it is rumored, may demand that General Petraeus be removed.
The imbecilic position, dear reader, is that we are indeed giving guns and weaponry to the very guys whom we disarmed and fired. Now, because we see the enemy as "al Qaeda" and we are no longer concerned with non-existent WMD's, we are in effect, telling the 65% of the Iraqi people who were under the thumb of the Sunnis that they have nothing to fear if they all pull together.
And the Shiites are saying, "Yeah, right, those infidels are going to work with us after we kicked them out of power, killed their leader, and basically allowed the Americans to turn out the lights, turn off the water, close the sewers, and blow up two-thirds of our homeland."
And the Sunnis are saying, "We'll be baaack."
The Iranian mullahs are planning a new religious holiday, the one in which they unite both Iran and Iraq under one theocratic government.
Al Qaeda, on the other hand, is working on some surprises for the Pakistanis.
Isn't it just about time for the Incomparable Moron to take his August vacation, cuttin' brush, doin' hard work, there in Crawford?
Petraeus? Wasn't there a guy in Greek Mythology with a name like that? You know, he flew too close to the Sun and the wax holding his wings together melted.
'Nuff said, Frodo needs a Gelusil.