Topic: "Is You da One,Jimmy?"(3)
Frodo took a position to port, assured that the grays and humpbacks would rise to either side during his catamaran voyage off Puero Vallarta. Holding his CANON digital as if he were a modern-day Ishmael, straining against the Sea of Cortez, he saw them rise and spout a fine spray on the starboard side. With so many other Citizens of Middle Earth aboard, he kept his post, waiting for the unobstructed view sure to occur and thereby document this, his searched-for moment. The tail of one rose high into the air, again on the starboard side, and he learned that a dive would follow which meant that this whale would be deep underwater for many minutes. Still Frodo remained patient.
Then, it was there, the grayish-green fin followed by the twisting torso, as this, the largest of all creatures, raced alongside and close enough for Frodo to get a trophy. Frodo paused, curious that it was much smaller than he anticipated, and his personal observation was much more important than an unexplainable photograph. Astern he heard the shouts of those aboard the speedboats manned by the wildlife officers of the Mexican government. As their boats paralleled Frodo's course, the Captain of the catamaran slowed, and turned to starboard. The announcement came from the Captain that Frodo's sighting was that of a baby whale and, that for the safety of one still learning how to swim and breathe on his own, we were pulling away and that the Wildlife officers were going to escort the young one until his Mother pulled close once again. Frodo's picture was lost for this day.
Frodo was not disappointed. He did however, learn the Spanish word for "bathroom."
The next day, on the beach at Mazatlan, Frodo met some men who had rescued a cache of sea turtle eggs from a marauding mammalian. With several of his newly-discovered friends, Frodo learned that there were 175 hatchlings, and that they were about to be released into the sea. Frodo and his friends, it was offered, could each take one hatchling and launch them side-by-side in a race to the sea from a common point. Frodo was among the first to select and to spend some quality time with his entrant. As Frodo examined his prize it was learned that, statistically speaking, only one of the racers would likely survive to adulthood. Suddenly, the idea of a race was not so important. Pelicans began to gather and lift off into flight in our direction. Frodo, and the lady standing next to him, who Frodo believes was from California, both walked to the water's edge, waiting for no man, and each hurried a little sea turtle into the surf.
They stood in silence for several moments.
"I named him 'Fernando,'" she said to Frodo.
"I hope he makes it, too," said Frodo. "I named mine Barack."
She smiled at Frodo, and said, "Because he's catching up from behind?"
"No," said Frodo, "because he's the one."