
Topic: "Weepy Seepy Peepee"(3)
Selma Alabama is the daughter of one-song-singer Lee Roy Festus. She is the performing idol of every pre-teen-age white girl with a fear of zits, and is commencing a World Tour, dubbed by Frodo as "Madonna in a Training Bra." Parents everywhere are suffering considerable effort, if not expense, in order to obtain tickets to nearby concerts in behalf of their offspring. Frodo, who has attended a concert or two in his time, although he cannot recall a single instance in which admission was paid by someone other than himself, does remember skipping meals in order to finance admission to see The Rolling Stones. Perhaps this is why he examines the phenomenon of "Charity Auctions" and other such extreme measures to provide gift tickets. Has the concept of lemonade stands disappeared from the American lexicon?
Apparently, much more than hard work has changed in recent days. It seems that one enterprising Mother, frustrated by her inability to obtain tickets for her pre-teenager to attend a Selma Alabama performance in her hometown, entered a contest in order to win tickets to said concert. The contest was to select the best essay to support "Why I Should Win Selma Alabama Concert tickets." Writing on behalf of her daughter, the Mothers' essay began, "My Dad was killed in Iraq. . ." Needless to say, the winning entry was an easy selection, except for the fact that it was not true.
Imagine the chagrin, and perhaps the lesson learned, of the young girl, when it was announced that her Mother's bald-faced lie meant that the tickets were canceled. Imagine further the message conveyed by the very defensive response of the Mother who stated publicly that "Extreme measures are often called for under emergency circumstances."
Just like 9-11, Frodo supposes. Perhaps Plato was correct, after all.