
Topic: "How Many Delegates?" (3)
During the baseball season, since every gallant Brave game is televised, Frodo almost always has a mental diversion from the trek up Mount Doom. During the football season, there seems to be a game every night from somewhere, be it the professionals on Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday, or the colleges on Saturday, Thursday, or Friday. But in the months of January and February there are only "Super Bowls," hockey (which Frodo attempted once in his youth), and an occasional college basketball game. Generally, at this time of year, Frodo spends a great deal of time counting off the days until the opening of Spring Training in West Palm Beach. This year, there is something new in the mix.
There seems to be an election taking place somewhere, almost every single day. Frodo finds himself spinning the dial on the black-and-white from the network evening news to "Hardball," to CNN, to Keith Olbermann, back to CNN, over to Faux News (gag me with a spoon, but my those are short skirts, aren't they?), and back again. Frodo fears that by the time "Super-Duper Tuesday" arrives he will have either lapsed into an apoplectic coma, or will have missed an exit interview somewhere. This day is no exception.
American Samoa is holding its own Presidential Primary, and Frodo is quite concerned that the economic malaise now affecting the rest of the world will create near depression conditions in Micronesia. The interesting thing is that in a land where nearly everybody wears a "skirt" of some sort, there does not seem to be any issues with the gender of any of the candidates. Perhaps the uni-sex method of dress is something that appeals to the electorate, and should be further considered "stateside." After all, both Mrs. Bush and Senator Clinton wore red dresses to the SOTU, and neither one of them appeared to snub the other.
When last he visited Hawaii, Frodo met any number of young people from Samoa, nearly all of whom were pursuing higher education at an extension of Brigham Young University. Frodo learned that Mormon missionaries hit those islands hard in order to win converts. Frodo believes, based on his scientific analysis that he can therefore call the American Samoa Primary for Senator Clinton on the Democratic side, and for Governor Mitt Romney on the Republican.
Wolf Blitzer is in the minor leagues (but Frodo needs to consider drinking a little less coffee).