
Topic: "Spiro T. Palin" (4)
Richard Milhous Nixon was an uninspiring man. When Nixon was nominated to become the Republican candidate for President the second time around, his selectee for Vice-President was a virtually unknown Governor from an incredibly small State. Politically undistinguished nationally, Spiro Ted Agnew of Maryland used his communication skills as a "surrogate" for the verbally-challenged Nixon. It did not take long for Agnew to charge into the "liberal media" with phrases like "Nattering nabobs of negativism," seeking to change the battle from one of issues, to one of personalities. Hubert Humphrey was the first victim, and the United States of America came next.
Agnew was challenged by a predisposition to illegal activity. The absence of ethics by a sitting Vice President of the United States helped to create a Consitutional crisis of epic proportion. Frodo, and the entire Brotherhood remains grateful to this day to Gerald Ford and others who acted in behalf of their country, first.
Tonight, a chill ran up Frodo's spine, as memories came rushing back to a time, again, where issues were ignored by some, in favor of personalities. Another Vice Presidential candidate showed herself to be something less than what was advertised. The symbolism is pretty apparent to Frodo. Change, you say? Hardly.
Frodo called the local "community organizer" and offered to do something more than to simply send a check, to attach a bumper sticker, or to put a sign in front of the Shire. Frodo remembered the fervor and the devotion of the one he calls "Falzone for America," and this time, Frodo promised to do something more. The Ring will only be destroyed if Frodo picks up the phone and calls, and calls. Maybe it will be the Hobbit on your front porch, dear reader. Please answer.
Because the world depends on us.