
Topic: "Savin' Gas" (4)
Frodo is no fan of traffic. On more than one occasion, while in his motorcar, he has been passed by another driver exceeding the speed limits while conducting non-driving-related activity. He has seen a gentleman brushing his teeth, a lady applying mascara and eye-make-up, and tens of thousands talking on telephones; all of this mind you at elevated mileage per hour. Frodo grows increasingly wary of what appears in front of him while traveling the lanes about the Shire. Frodo, however, has nothing on Mr. Jim Litz, of Missoula, Montana, who reminds us all about keeping our eyes on the road.
Mr. Litz is a Middle School Teacher, and while pedaling away on his bicycle at near break-neck speed, the open lane in front of him was suddenly occupied by a pedestrian. With less than 10 feet separating the two parties there was little that Litz could do except to hold on for dear life. Describing the scene later, Litz indicated that he "T-boned" the pedestrian black bear and flipped the bicycle over the bear and landed head first. Both parties to the accident were startled, given, perhaps, to the fact that neither one had a history of traffic misdemeanors. Mr. Litz was the only one wearing a helmet, according to the accident report filed with the local police.
Mr. Litz stated that the accident cracked his helmet, and he received "scratches" on his back. The other participant seemed none the worse for wear, but fled the scene before officers could arrive. Although not verified as we go to press, it is likely that the bear will be charged with "failure to yield the right-of-way," and with "leaving the scene of an accident."
If Frodo had been the police officer-in-charge, he would've let the bear off with a warning. Frodo also would've initiated an investigation into what exactly a Middle School Teacher at the "Target Range Middle School" teaches; or what he smokes.