
Topic: "Candygram" (4)
Mr. Beau Neau McKitty was thrilled that, once again, Frodo and Sam had returned to the Shire. Despite their obvious need to clear the fog which had seemed to settle on their everyday existence, Beau Neau remained convinced that he could provide the answer to every problem or care. As soon as Frodo opened the door leading into the Gardens of the Shire, and with a burst of speed worthy of any Jamaican sprinter, Beau Neau was through the dog-door in order to commence his search for an appropriate homecoming gift.
The next morning found Frodo before the mirror, in preparation for his daily conflict at Mount Doom. Shaving, Frodo determined many years ago, is best performed in the buff, after the shower, and before he assembles his chain mail and his armor. It was as this ritual took place that Frodo noted a low moan from the hallway. The moan was repeated several times, to Frodo's consternation, since Sam continued to slumber, and the sound definitely required analysis.
Frodo stepped into the hallway to observe Beau Neau in possession of one wounded, and greatly threatened, chipmunk (name unknown). Frodo attempted to pluck the chipmunk from Beau Neau's grasp, lifting the helpless creature by his tail pinched between his thumb and forefinger. Beau Neau batted the rescue attempt from Frodo's grasp, and Frodo assumed the worst. Surprisingly, the stunned chipmunk still exhibited life signs, so Frodo acted with speed and surprise. Carrying the chipmunk by his tail, Frodo took off for the basement door, two floors below, watrching carefully to ensure that the rescue attempt not be squelched by an errant nip from the would-be rescuee.
Frodo noted little movement from the hindquarters of the chipmunk, thereby causing him to fear that, despite his heroic effort, little would be accomplished. Frodo burst through the basement door, and started to place the chipmunk in a secure hiding place when he realized that it was cooler this morning than it had been in many moons. The coolness was exacerbated by the fact that Frodo was flashing a moon at the entire population of the Shire.
Oh well, at least it was for a good cause, and with the noblest of intentions.
Frodo pulled the basement door closed behind him as Beau Neau came charging downstairs in hot pursuit. The shocked feline seemed unable to absorb the reason for Frodo's attempt to subvert his gift-giving to Sam. Frodo was in no mood to debate the subject. Frodo returned to his shaving, and Sam spoke up from slumbertown seeking some explanation for the disruption of a nights' rest. Sam remains fortunate that Frodo had no corpus delecti to drop into sleepwear. Especially since Sam was overheard to say, "Oh good kitty, thank you for your present."
Frodo is beginning to believe that the cat is a Republican.