
Topic: "Revoltin'Development"(5)
What, Frodo asks, was accomplished by setting fire to a hotel in Strasbourg, France? Why set tires on fire, and create a plume of black smoke that hovers over the environment? Who would break all the windows in a bank there that hovers on the edge of bankruptcy? When did all the conceivable reasons for holding a protest march become a "cafeteria plan" (join us, and pick your poson)? Where have all the flowers gone? Frodo would simply like to know the story behind those who march in his place, a generation too late?
"Maybe," says Frodo, "they simply don't get it. They are so self-centered, that they don't understand the issues. They see every injustice as an intertwined principle, justifying violence and anarchy. There is no attempt to put things in their rightful place, like there was when, first things first, we had to end a war."
Dear reader, Dayana Mendoza, the reigning "Miss Universe," put forth her opinion on the debacle that is Guantanamo, and perhaps offered a truthful insight into why some people just want to set fire to everything. Ms. Mendoza, sponsored by the USO, visited the detainee camps and reported on that "It was a lot of fun!. . .We visited the detainees camps and we saw the jails, where they shower, how they re-create themselves with movies, classes of art, books. . . I didn't want to leave, it was such a relaxing place, so calm and beautiful."
Several days later, Mendoza's comments were replaced with an officious comment on the blog that her "comments had been in reference to the hospitality she received while meeting the members of the US military."
Yeah right, like in the showers?
Frodo would like to ask one of the insurgents at Strasbourg why they haven't chosen Guantanamo as a site for a demonstration of their righteous indignation? Admittedly, American citizens might be prohibited from attendance, but that doesn't mean all the rest of our revolutionaries du jour couldn't soak up a few rays while they tried to put an end to America's latest humiliation. The Americans in this crowd could really follow in the footsteps of Walden Pond if they peacefully disobeyed the laws of their own land and traveled to Cuba, and just sat down at the gates of our national shame. Makes you wonder why they haven't, since nobody seems to have a clue as to what they were doing in Strasbourg?
Water boarding, to some, must be what they do at Big Sur.