
Topic: "Rick Santa Anna"(5)
It has been quite some time since the word "secession" has been bandied about in Middle Earth. In fact, Thurgood Marshall was probably a member of the Supreme Court when someone like, oh, let's say, the then Governor of Texas decided that the "sovereignty" granted unto the State by the 10th Amendment was threatened by all sorts of undesirable elements. Frodo understands the political theater taking place in front of him. After all, Kay Bailey Hutchinson may not be as attractive as Rick Perry, but, in contrast to most Texans, she does appear capable of distinguishing between an adjective and a verb. The danger is that the issues in a gubernatorial election are again subordinated to the inane and trite proclamations of the unknowing, seeking to lead the incapable.
Frodo, as most know, does not hold anything "Texan" in high regard. In fact, no regard might better describe the feeling he has as to what is represented by the void between New Mexico and Louisiana. In keeping with the spirit of the Constitution itself, Frodo has proposed that Texans be limited to but 3/5ths of a vote. Frodo is sure that a Constitutional scholar such as Governor Perry will recall the precedent.
Perhaps the "Frodo Proposal" will give added impetus to those who feel that Texas can provide for itself. President Obama will be glad to assist; in fact, his first action will probably be to call up the Texas National Guard, and to assign the troops to a facility in Ohio. The plethora of military installations in Texas, the result of continual "earmarking" by the somewhat less than distinguised vote-winners to seats in Congress, will necessarily be re-assigned to Michigan. Pennsylvania wil offer the world a more receptive format for other federal facilities, including the newly-name "Ed Rendell Space Center" located in Lancaster County. It is obvious that there are huge politically viable reasons for taking Governor Perry up on his idea. In fact, there are such benefits to the nation as a whole, that the "Frodo Proposal" should be put forth as a non-negotiable demand. Either accept the 3/5 vote, or try to avoid letting the door bounce off your butts.
A world without Texas would be like a day conceived in sunshine. Good idea, Rick.