
Topic: "Carolina Curmudgeon" (5)
One of Frodo's rules of life is that beauty follows beauty. It is long-established that a well-turned ankle, or a heart-shaped derriere, have rotated his head as if on a swivel, and often re-directed his path. What he means however, is that kind and caring people reap as they sow. Good people are everywhere, as difficult as the art of politics may sometimes make that seem. It is that counterpoint which today fries his chops, and makes him call a spade a spade.
Rusty DePass looks like he just sucked a lemon dry. This balding simpleton from South Carolina is almost as attractive as vomit on the carpeting of a new motorcar, and he certainly pollutes the environment in similar fashion. This old man does not have enough money to attract even the most desperate of those who sell sexual favors. It is highly unlikely that any of man's best canine friends would remove themselves from an animal shelter in order to accompany him home. No self-respecting member of the Jehovah's Witnesses will even knock on his door. It is probably also true that should he ever fall into a commode, every passerby would fail to recognize him and push the handle.
Rusty DePass is an ugly, ugly man. All value judgments aside, Frodo insists, this is simply a repulsive looking man.
So why would such a grotesque beast refer to the First Lady of the United States as if she, or a member of her family, were a gorilla who escaped from a cage in a nearby zoo?
Is it because he is an operative of the South Carolina Republican Party?
Or is it because the worst of us deny beauty, because we never experienced it? That, dear reader, is the price we pay for freedom. We allow people, ugly in-and-out, to speak as if they had a brain, including Rusty DePass, an Orc.