
Topic: "Run Eddie, Run" (5)
United States Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has never really meant too much to Frodo. After all, North Dakota is one of those states never visited by Frodo, and given the glacial (pun, pardon) speed at which global warming is apparently occurring, it is unlikely that Frodo will ever visit North Dakota. Dorgan is apparently a man of great integrity, and he has gained a measure of respect among civilized citizenry for his dogged determination in the seemingly endless debates on healthcare reform. Frodo was surprised that he indicated an unwillingness to offer himself for additional abuse at the hands of an electorate long on passion and short on information. For a few minutes, Frodo was depressed.
Then he thought about Ed. Ed Schultz that is, the host of the "Ed Schultz Show" on MSNBC, and a long-time resident and progressive radio show host in North Dakota. Frodo and Sam, both of whom enjoy tuning in to his "Psycho Talk" segment, during which he typically zeroes in on Michele Bachmann, Liz Cheney, Glenn Beck, or some other fruit who has escaped from an entagling vine were heartedly jointly-composing an e-mail to suggest that he consider running to replace Dorgan.
Schultz is nothing, if not committed to the principles of helping the working man, and standing up for the underdog. He never, ever, stops, and he is not ashamed to raise havoc with those whom he feels do not fight hard enough. Although Frodo finds him to be a bit much from time-to-time, he is indeed a fighter.
"Boy," thought Frodo, "it would be refreshing to hear a guy who fights with his heart as well as his mind, again, in American politics."
It was even more refreshing to hear that Schultz has been approached by the Democratic Party in North Dakota, and asked to consider running to replace Senator Dorgan.
When the vetting process is complete, and if Schultz and his family choose to follow this path, then he will have a Hobbit at his back.
Run, Edddie, run far and run fast. We have 300 days to make it so.