
Topic: "Title IX Disaster" (5)
If Martha Coakley were a candidate for political office in the Shire, Frodo is not sure he would vote for her. Of course, if the option was Saxby Chambliss, Jim DeMint, Jeff Sessions, Ben Nelson, or some other purveyor of personal aggrandizement, the unknown Ms. Coakley would receive Frodo's unquestioned endorsement. Ms. Coakley is however running against a true unknown, who appears to be the beneficiary of the many gaffes and strategic stumbles of Candidate Coakley. That, to Frodo, is two steps beyond danger, and at the entrance to the Twilight Zone.
Frodo is an admitted chauvinist when it comes to sports. Frodo played football, basketball, baseball. Frodo is still a workout runner, and he prides himself on his knowledge of the nuance of team sports. Why, therefore, should he give any credence to anyone named Pam, Robin, or Erin when it comes to the Super Bowl? Frodo will listen to any guy, and that includes the worst sports announcers in America (see Atlanta, network affiliates), over any female sports announcer. To the best of his knowledge, Frodo is unaware of any guy who wears a "sports bra," and he does not know any woman who has ever even playfully burdened herself with a jockstrap. These two facts alone are sufficient to justify Frodo's biases.
Given that bias, in a Hobbit as opposed to some turtle pucky from Alabama, would an outstanding public prosecutor from Massachusetts begin to talk about baseball and the biases of a Republican Pitcher about whom she doesn't know squat?
Ms. Coakley, next time ask Frodo before you open your mouth about professional sports. These guys are all money-grubbing Republicans. They have made quazillions of dollars, and all they care about is maximizing their deductions. With the exception of a few black guys who rallied to Candidate and President Obama, they are Republicans and they have no sense of obligation to anything beyond a fully-deductible "foundation," and the cost of an ounce of crystal meth.
Should you ever decide to run again, talk about the sense of accomplishment you feel when you put a murderer or terrorist away forever. Frodo appreciates the brains and the brawn of a prosecutor. What he can't stand is a self-serving politician who tries to be his pal. Apparently, the voters of Massachusetts feel the same way.
Given all of that, this guy Brown could be a member of the John Birch Society for all we know. As long as she doesn't come out with a dip of snuff between her cheek and gum, Frodo is willing to accept Ms. Coakley into the United States Senate. What he won't do is watch her broadcast the Boston Red Sox.