
Topic: "Comparables" (6)
"If," Frodo asked, "you could pick two others from all of world history with whom you would like to be compared, who would you pick?"
"Well, first of all," said his companion, "what's the point?
"Because there is so much of it these days. Politicians liken their opponents to tyrants, athletes are stacked up against heroes of the past, writers are reviewed as the re-birth of cultural icons, so why not take a look at yourself and compare.?"
"Okay, so George W. Bush, for example, could be associated with King John (brother of Richard the Lion-Heart) and Alfred E. Newman?"
"That's good," said Frodo, "not that those would be his choices, but you're getting the idea. Someone else might suggest 'Wrong Way' Corrigan and Herbert Hoover, while Bush himself might say John Wayne and Jesus of Nazareth."
"Gag me with a spoon."
"Frodo might see himself as associated with Mark Twain and Clark Gable, recognizing that some might see him as more akin to Clarabelle and Homer Simpson."
"Funny. Give me a couple to associate with Newt Gingrich."
"Oh the possibilities," said Frodo, "what say Huey Long and Fibber McGee?
"I think I'd go for Fatty Arbuckle and Rush Limbaugh."
"Bingo, right on."
"Here's a toughie. Rand Paul.'
'Louis Farakkhan and Prince Bandahar.'
'Okay. You'll have to explain that to me.'
'Easy. Rand Paul is one of only three people to ever agree to, then cancel, a scheduled appearance on 'Meet The Press'.'
'Says a lot.'
'Imagine how he must see himself.'
'Yeah, like maybe Martin Luther and Captain America.'