
Topic: "If the truth be told"(6)
The number of registered voters in the State of Connecticut was poorly represented in the Republican Primary a fortnight ago. In fact, the number of voters who affirmatively supported the winner in the same primary was, as a percentage of the total party electorate, barely out of "the teens." For reasons such as that, Frodo generally refrains from comment, much less concern, about elections that don't mean much to everyday life in Middle Earth. He believes, strangely enough, that, occasionally, it is important for a complete and total fool to win public office.
William Scott (R-Va), now deceased, was long considered to be the "dumbest man to ever serve in the United States Senate." Today, the Senators from Virginia are Mark Warner (D) and Jim Webb (D). Hardly a duo to cause any Virginian to blush in shame.
Frodo looks longingly at Virginia, knowing that not all her politicians are worthy of a second glance, including her Governor, the homophobe McDonnel (R). Frodo, in Georgia, has to contend with Johnny Isakson (R) (offspring of a publicly-vetted housing racist) and Saxby Chambliss (R) (dubbed by Frodo as 'Simply Useless'). Surely, thinks Frodo, Georgia's time will come, and another Sam Nunn (D) will arise to eradicate memories of Zell Miller (?) and Lester Maddox (I-D). It is a terrible price to pay, waiting, for sanity in public office.
Nathan Deal (D-R), who switched parties when it became efficacious, resigned from Congress in order to combat and defeat the Sarah Palin-endorsed Karen Handel for the Republican nomination for Governor. Ms. Handel was the only woman endorsed by Palin who happened to be more than thirty pounds overweight. "The Real Deal" is purported to be the subject of an investigation into contracts awarded to his business by the State, and has been identified as pending bankruptcy for guaranteeing a multi-million dollar business endeavor by his married daughter. In addition, Mr. Deal has now admitted to an "omission" from his financial disclosure documents reflecting other debts in the multi-million dollar category. Mr. Deal, after pressure from his Democratic opponent Roy Barnes, has made public only the first page of his income tax returns, stating that it is not necessary to go into too much detail.
There is a difference this time, that does give Frodo pause, and it centers around the evil Fox. Apparently, there is a distinct possibility that candidates such as the precocious Ms. O'Donnel in Connecticut will restrict all of their appearances to the broadcast wing of the corporate entity which contributed a billion dollars to the Republican Gubernatorial Campaign gendarmerie. How best, it appears, to put forth a candidate without the sense that God gave a goose, and keep her, or it, from ever being publicly-challenged? Put her on Fox.
Every time that Frodo enters a public facility where there is a television broadcasting a Fox channel, Frodo strolls up, without a word, and changes the channel--generally to 'Animal Planet.'
There is danger afoot when it becomes apparent that an electorate is confined to the ill-informed, the un-informed, and those with an ulterior motive. Frodo's home state is proof positive.
Frodo's Congressdork Tom Price (R) is unopposed. Isakson is running against a black guy. Frodo's voice matters only in the battle between Barnes and Deal. Rest assured, Frodo will be there on Election Day, if only for that reason. Polling indicates that Barnes is behind.
Help Frodo destroy the Ring.