
Topic: "An Hour A Day" (6)
"Mister Frodo, a border collie is a working dog. She will absolutely require that you spend at least an hour a day, every single day, with no time off for holidays, exercising her body and her mind. To fail her in this need, well, it would be cruel, and I would advise you to get another type of pet." So said Dr. Porsches (an alias provided to he who now owns two Porsches because of Frodo's contributions to his veterinary practice).
An hour a day.
That is a very significant contribution of resources by an aging businessman, not to mention a Hobbit warrior. The relationship that Frodo had with Lovey comprises some of the finest hours of his life, and he does not regret that hour, every single day, for even one second. Together, they ran in the early-morning rain, and they swam in waters still and calm. They chased tennis balls, and avoided enraged cattle who resented being herded. They climbed mountains, and they explored forests, primeval and restored. They parted when it was her time, and the light never disappeared from her eyes, of that Frodo is sure.
"Mister Frodo, you write very well, and I look forward to your exploits and your passion. Promise yourself that you will devote one hour per day, every day, to writing about what you have to write about." So said the Warrior Merry (an alias provided to she who castigated and chided the Hobbit and is technically responsible for these words herein).
Another hour a day.
That is also a significant contribution of time and resources, but it took a polite kick-in-the-ass to get Frodo off his duff and to put into words the College of the Shire, Mick (the Wonder Dog), the Shire itself, and events that shape a world while having no impact on the flora and the fauna of the oldest mountain chain on our small blue planet. If, dear reader, there is every any laughter added to your life, or a solitary tear shed in empathy for the most telling of moments, then you have Proud Merry to thank. Frodo has not regretted a single thing he has said, and he is actually kind of proud of most of it.
This is posting number 1,000. It occurs amid the sixth year of Frodo's effort. It also evidences the fact that Frodo has missed his hour-a-day goal.
Like the President whom he so admires, he will try to do better.