
Topic: "Wink at the Moon"
There is a bright and beautiful half moon in the skies over the Shire this eve. Frodo and Newest Friend stood side-by-side, one looking for squirrels, the other doing as suggested by the family of one whom Frodo never knew. Frodo tried to explain to Newest Friend why the man named Armstrong was so important, and why Frodo felt that a "wink at the Moon" was something he would rather do, recognizing that squirrels in the tree-tops deserve attention, too.
Frodo took a picture that night long ago with an extremely complicated camera which captured images to be shown on a slide projector. He followed the instructions of "Uncle Walter," so that he could forever capture the moment about which more than 40 billion humanoid eyes had dreamed throughout the Ages. The moment in July, 1969, when Frodo, his sister, and both his parents joined all the world on the cathode ray tubes that satisfied dreams and deeds beyond all the achievements of Man and Hobbit alike.
Frodo has no idea where that slide is this night. It matters not, for he will always remember where he was and what was said. May he also remember winking at the Moon, and the rustling of squirrels in the treetops of the Shire, standing there with Newest Friend, of whom much remains unsaid.