
Topic: "RNC--2036"(8)
"Good Morning from the scene of the 2036 Republican National Convention, and Welcome to 'Morning Willie.' I'm your co-host, Willie Geist."
"Joining us on the set today is Mika Brzenski, who was the original co-host on our predecessor show 'Morning Joe.' Mika is joining us this morning to help commemorate the final appearance of Joe Scarborough at this same point in the 2016 campaign and the unfortunate accident which brought about the untimely demise of our old friend and colleague."
"Good Morning Willie. I still can't believe it's been 20 years."
"Well, neither can former Governor Chris Christie."
"Can we play the tape back one more time?"
"Here it is, see Joe pulling out the chair for Governor Christie and how he slipped ever so slightly on the grease from the taco the Governor had been eating. Who'd have ever believed that someone would be crushed to death on our set like that?"
"On to happier times, Willie, didn't I hear you talking with your guest yesterday, the wise and wonderful Mr. Frodo, about the most bizarre coverage of a Republican Convention in your memory?"
"Oh indeed, and we all agreed it was the 2012 Convention but it was Mr. Frodo who made us remember especially why it was so bizarre."
"2012. That was Willard Mitt Romney, the Harold Stassen of modern political candidacy, wasn't it?"
"Correctomundo, did you remember any of the specifics recalled by the Hobbit?"
"Well, it didn't take me long to recall Anne Romney's proclamation that the theme song of the GOP should be 'All We Need is Love,' and to be followed simply minutes later by Governor Christie who decried that dedication and replaced it with "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find Out What It Means to Me."
"That made the whole world aware of the fact that Romney couldn't even get his surrogates to sing the same tune."
"Well, how do you think Anne Coulter will do in this current race for the Republican nod.?"
"I was kind of wondering if she might pull out a chair for Christie when he appears on our show tomorrow?"
"I'll bring donuts."