
Topic: "Who Dat Say Who Dat?"
"Hear Ye, Hear Ye, All those with business before this Court please rise. Judge Frodo Baggins presiding."
"Call the first case Bailiff."
"Yes, your Honour, in the matter of Mr. Vince Neil v. National Broadcasting Company, all involved parties please come forward."
"WHO is representing the plaintiff in this matter?"
"No your Honour, MOTLEY CRUE is representing themselves in this matter."
"I beg your pardon?"
"MOTLEY CRUE, your Honour."
"Young man, I only care WHO?"
"Not WHO, your Honour, MOTLEY CRUE."
"Appearances, young man, have absolutely nothing to do with my judgement about this matter. You are representing yourselves?"
"Yes your Honour."
"As a part of this MOTLEY CRUE, you are WHO?"
"No your Honour."
"No WHO?"
"That's correct."
"WHO's correct?"
"WHO are you?"
"Separating yourself from the group of plaintiffs, what is your name?"
"Vince Neil your Honour."
"And the rest of your group is WHO?"
"No sir, your Honour."
"WHO are these young men?"
"MOTLEY CRUE, your Honour. None of them have ever been associated with WHO."
"Not a one."
"Mr. Neil, this MOTLEY CRUE as you call them, standing before me with you as plaintiffs in this matter, are representing themselves, am I correct?"
"Yes your Honour."
"Mr. Neil could you summarize the nature of the lawsuit filed by this MOTLEY CRUE against NBC?"
"Yes, your honour, we allege that NBC discriminated against us by banning us from any future appearances on their network. It is true that a profane word was used during a live broadcast of "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno," but NBC retaliated against MOTLEY CRUE in a manner inconsistent with similar utterances in the past."
"I see, by WHO?"
"No your Honour."
"No? WHO?"
"Not WHO, BONO."
"No your Honour."
"BONO is not WHO?"
"That is correct."
"WHO is correct?"
"You are, your Honour."
"OK, WHO said the profane word?"
"No, WHO in this MOTLEY CRUE?"
"No your Honour, WHO is not a part of this MOTLEY CRUE."
"Mr. Neil, did you say the profane word?"
"Yes your Honour."
"You and WHO?"
"No your Honour, Me and BONO."
"So, you of this MOTLEY CRUE, and BONO were punished on different levels by the defendant, NBC? Is that correct?"
"It is your Honour."
"Excellent. Now WHO represents the Defendants in this matter?"
"No your Honour. I represent National Broadcasting Company in this matter."
"And you are WHO?"
"No your Honour."
"I assume that you, sir, are not with either MOTLEY CRUE or with BONO? You are representing the Defendant, the National Broadcasting Network?"
"I am."
"You are associated with a law firm?"
"Yes, your Honour."
"May I ask WHO?"
"I'm not familiar with that firm your Honour."
"I never heard of them."
Frodo will take a brief recess until after the Memorial Day Observance.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:24 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:35 PM EDT