
Topic: "Leeward, I Say, Leeward"
Frodo, with the cooperation of Mother Nature, and Sam are planning to depart the Shire for a vacation in a few days. Unlike Patrick Fitzgerald, Frodo does best when he kicks back and takes a long look at the world around him. The people do not have to be Democrats or Republicans, male or female, white or black, earthling or alien; the places in which they live will be the frames for mental pictures.
On one such vacation Frodo spent a few moments with a gentleman while waiting outside the ladies room in a gift shop on Oahu. The gentleman said to Frodo that things had certainly changed since last he had visited this island. Frodo asked when he had last visited? "1942," was the response, "and I was on a minesweeper headed out into the Pacific." Certainly, things had changed, and the frame about this picture along with it.
Another time Frodo conversed with a lady from Panama who was certainly a "grande dame" of a large and wealthy family. As the ship pulled into the Port of Orleans we discussed the fact that Frodo had once called this city home. Frodo recommended to her that a cup of "cafe au lait" and an order of "beignets" at the "Cafe du Monde" was a "platonic dish." Frodo and Sam happened upon her and her brood later that afternoon, sated, and grateful to their "NorteAmericano" friends who had introduced them to one of "God's gifts." Frodo wonders if she cried with him when Katrina ravaged?
On the South Rim of the Grand Canyon Frodo was amused by the lady who walked through the parking lot looking for license plates from her home state.
He was thankful that she was not from Texas (Republic of Mexico).
In Luxembourg, after an all-night flight, Frodo emerged from his hotel, walked into the street and said "Hello" to a guy who lived just down the street from him in the Shire.
While basking under the Matterhorn Frodo was suddenly encircled by a traveling group of Buddhist Monks, clad in the traditional orange, and wearing sandals. Unable to overcome the language barrier Frodo was left to surmise that they were merely comparing the Alps to the Himalayas. Frodo believes they dress similarly to those who wear kilts in Scotland
Frodo and Sam swam through the Blue Lagoon near Rejkyavik with the temperature near zero (Fahrenheit) and the Northern Lights visible in the night sky. The next day they walked through the rift that separated the tectonic plates on which Europe and America separately rest. No greater proof of the confluence of "intelligent design" and "evolution" need be addressed.
One day, 500 miles from land, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Frodo stood near the bow of the great ship, and he counted 10 rainbows and 5 thunderstorms, all at the same moment. He would have shared the moment in silent awe with George W. Bush.
Then he'd have thrown the jerk overboard.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:53 PM EST