
Topic: "Out Damned Spot (2)"
Frodo has had many occasions to look at the lands around the Shire, and to be ashamed. It is not a felony, for example, to commit cruelty against an animal in the State of Georgia. Despite the biblical directive in Genesis (St. James Version) to maintain "dominion" over the creatures of the Earth, in Georgia that terminology has been deemed to define unquestioned mastery over the animal kingdom. In another instance, former Senator Max Cleland, a triple amputee of the Vietnam War, was cited in political advertisements as being in league with Osama bin Laden in "The War Against Terror." His defeat by Saxby Chambliss was a very low point in the political history of the United States.
Masterminding the divisive campaign has been both the vocation and the avocation of Ralph Reed. His Consulting Firm has been involved in money laundering, influence peddling, political dirty tricks, and perjury. Although not indicted, as yet, Reed has unquestionably documented his chicanery by e-mail messages, and in verbal statements. His 20-year association with Jack Abramoff convinced right-thinking people around the world that he was, indeed, a bad guy.
Tonight, Ralph Reed ate the big one. The "Red State" of Georgia rose to the moment and slapped him down within the confines of a Primary Election within his own Party. Within three hours of the closing of the polls statewide, Reed conceded defeat to a political lightweight of no consequence. Even the bigots, the religious zealots, and the politically uninformed were not numerous enough to join with the "True Believers" and carry this weasel to victory.
Frodo salutes the wisdom of his Republican friends, who acted in the best interest of our Nation by sending this slimeball to the trash bin of American History. To fail in an election for a ceremonial position within your own Party, within your Home State, is the death knell for this representative of the Dark Side.
It deserves note that this was an "Open Primary," meaning that any registered voter could vote in either the Democratic or the Republican Primary. Frodo very proudly took a Republican ballot, and pushed but one block on the touchscreen of the Diebold voting machine. Frodo and the Georgia Republicans hung Ralph Reed from a sour apple tree.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:58 PM EDT