
Topic: "Whosdalederofdaclub?"(4)
The Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was a member of the Board of Directors at a little, old company in Houston known as Enron. The corporation contributed $75,000 to the re-election campaign of the then-United States Senator who subsequently introduced what has since become known as the "Enron Loophole." When the Senator (who also Served as Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee) retired from public office, he accepted a Senior Management role with the Union Bank of Switzerland, and has successfully lobbied for changes to America's banking laws. Among the changes are a weakening of restrictions on "predatory mortgage lending."
Wendy Gramm is the party of the first part, and her husband, Phil Gramm, is the party of the second part.
Today, another worthless Texan, former Senator and Ph.D (wanna bet from what school he got that degree? Do you think he might have been a "legacy?") Phil Gramm, who has been serving the McCain campaign as primary architect of the candidate's economic policy, referred to the American people as "whiners." To his everlasting credit, John McCain had enough good sense to immediately disavow everything the arrogant Cretin had just said. The downside, of course, for McCain, is that now the whole world is aware of the fact that the Republican candidate for President has been relying on input from sources absolutely out of touch with the situation. McCain, of course, had earlier referred to Gramm as a "genius," but now seems more concerned about how warmly Gramm would be received in Minsk.
Frodo does not disagree that Gramm is a genius. He has to be brighter than Texas law enforcement, for there is certainly no justification to his ugly butt outside of prison walls. With the possible exception of current Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), there is no documentation to support the allegation that anyone has enriched himself more from his time at the public trough than has Phil Gramm.
Carly Fiorina was dumped for almost driving the technology company once known as Hewlett-Packard into bankruptcy. Today, Carly is advising the McCain campaign on women's issues. During an interview she noted that Senator McCain was "outraged" by the fact that "Viagra" was covered as a prescription drug by Medicare, but that birth-control pills were not. A few hours later, an intrepid reporter asked Senator McCain why, if that were the case, did he vote AGAINST the determination on the floor of the Senate? The Senator admitted to not knowing anything about the issue, and was nothing less than the "deer in the headlights" while the cameras continued to roll.
Experience, it is said, is the greatest teacher. Perhaps that is so, says Frodo, but it is clear that some are, indeed, left behind. The damage done is at the crux of our present dilemma, and the convicts are still in control.