
Topic: "Groupies for Edwards"(4)
There are times when it seems as if the grand writer of the news is following Frodo around, asking him to write tomorrow's headline. The admissions of former Senator John Edwards (D-NC) follow on the heels of Frodo's inquiry into the fidelity of Senator John McCain (R-AZ) on this very screen, less than twenty-four hours ago. Frodo should not be surprised by anything that a barrister-turned-politician has ever done, much less by what might someday be done. These characters attract groupies, and they don't know how to handle them until they find that the snaps on the bra have come loose. It is at that point that things become glandular, as opposed to rational, and the question truly become, "What would this candidate do if the telephone rang at 3 AM?"
John Edwards would hide in the Men's Room. He should count himself fortunate that Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) is not waiting for him in the next stall.
Frodo harbors increasing disdain for professional athletes. Despite the fact that nearly all of them are younger, wealthier, and more talented than Frodo has been on even his best day, most are dumber than dishwater. Frodo believes that if one were to count the number of "y'knows" verbalized during any interview of a professional athlete that the frequency would exceed the ability to enumerate absent electronic imaging. That aside, Frodo believes that professional athletes have learned how to deal with the Lewinsky/Hunter/Flowers types who rest on their knees with satisfaction on their faces. Wilt Chamberlain, the late, great. professional basketball center publicly alleged that, during his 50+ years on this small, blue planet, he had sexual relations with 20,000 women.
Frodo has always had difficulty with that figure, but he admires it. He might feel better about any politician who explained his indiscretions in the same manner.