Mood: energetic
Topic: "Rules" (6)
Amid his bureaucracy phase, Frodo often joined with his comrades in a mockery of the world in which they lived. The Harvard Law of Behavior, for example, was often used to describe their joint efforts to make life better for the American taxpayer ("Under carefully controlled laboratory conditions, human beings behave as they damn well please"). The Hobbit felt fully justified applying his considerable creative abilities to such a worthwhile task. That explains, he supposes, his affinity for the the Newtonian Law of Government, which states that "Work expands to fill the time available for its conclusion."
All of this becomes particularly relevant now that the WASHINGTON POST has finally done something to make people remember that it is still published and delivered daily. Frodo must admit that he misses Ben Bradlee and still gets chills when Hal Holbrook smokes a cigarette with Bob Redford while Dustin Hoffman follows the money. When the POST gets something right, it really gets it right, and today, Frodo is cheering for his old friend.
Frodo has referred to the Department of Homeland Obscurity with disdain since first the megalith was dumped on the taxpaying public by the dynamic duo of Cheney and Bush, or is that Abbott and Costello? The largest civilian agency in the History of Man combined everything from the Secret Service to the Federal Emergency Management folks into a plethora of unrelated, uncontrolled, bells, whistles, and quarterly reports on progress toward equal employment opportunity. Each report was, of course, first addressed to an Assistant Regional Director under the aegis of the Interim Assistant Commissioner for Operations. Frodo knows, because he was one, an Assistant Program Manager, on detail from his permanent responsibility as a District Director.
What that means is that Frodo could catch a bus home at 3:30 and nobody would miss him.
Imagine, if you will, what it must be like to take the wisdom of the "9-11 Commission," and produce an intelligence function that makes the word "redundancy" seem almost as pithy as the word "transparency?" People actually get paid for dreaming up these words, and then devoting their entire work effort to their implementation in manuals and transmittals which no one ever reads, ahead of time. This obfuscation of responsibility was exactly what Cheney and Bush produced, despite their assertions to the contrary. The WASHINGTON POST came out in print today with its study of the ineffectiveness of the American Intelligence effort, which had taken them two years to conclude that we are less safe now, simply because we have an unbridled monster collating, but not integrating.
Frodo was hopeful when Lawrence O'Donnell interviewed Richard Clark, who has become the Master of "I Told You So." Cark, however, seems to have gone over to the Dark Side, because he recommends an "Independent Commission" to cut through the fat and streamline the effort.
Frodo remembers the other homily which guided him in his passage through the endless hallways to the third "morning meeting." If he recalls close enough, it seemed to whisper "This, too, shall pass."