
Topic: "Snowed-in"(9)
Frodo has advocated, from time-to-time, that there is no problem confronting the citizens of Middle Earth which is, in-and-of-itself, unique. From natural disasters to despotism, from scientific discoveries to the plague there are no new problems, only a changing capacity to respond. With this thought in mind, Frodo has marveled at the discourse concerning the contract employee formerly directed by Booz, Allen & Hamilton who has admitted to violating the top secret security clearance issued to him by the National Security Agency. Most interesting has been the variance between those who believe the young man has committed treason, and those who applaud him for disclosures which seemingly protect the national right to privacy.
Recognizing that his life has changed forever, the young man has set upon the task of finding himself a new homeland. Communicating from Hong Kong, and its proximity to the Chinese mainland, gives an automatic direction toward those hackers/hackees who recognize the value of data mining in the face of one's major economic opponent. At the same time, our subject himself suggested other possible ports in his personal storm including, of all places, Iceland.
Frodo remembered from his past voyages in that part of Middle Earth that said suggestion is particularly appropriate. The USAF base at Keflavik has long been a presence of protection and rescue services for this NATO ally. Said factoid would make it a remote possibility that the Icelandic government would grant sanctuary to one sought by the most powerful nation on our small blue planet. However, the truth is that Iceland has a proud history of dealing with individuals, be they undesirables or merely of questionable morality. It is obvious that our violator may not know of what Frodo speaks.
There is no capital punishment in Iceland. What they do is take an individual out into the very middle of this barren landscape, and leave him. No one has ever returned.
Mr. Snowden's "genius" in information technology would be put to the max. Unfortunately the "Escape" button would be frozen, as would he.