
Topic: "ERA"
Bilbo was very fond of reminding Frodo that "What goes around, comes around." When the Equal Rights Amendment failed, by the slimmest of margins, to win acceptance by the requisite number of States, Bilbo soothed the torn emotions of the Hobbit with those favored words.
Frodo thought that was bullshit.
How, he wondered, could there be any question that a responsible adult could experience life in Middle Earth with anything other than rights equal to any of their fellow citizens? How, indeed? Bilbo answered that certain things are understood, and that the absence of something written is not a big problem.
Frodo thought that was bullshit, too.
More than 40 years have passed, and now the "leader" of one of the two most significant of political parties in all the Shire wants to see a "Constitutional Amendment" to ban equal rights in marriage.
Presumably, Bilbo's rejoinder to Frodo reflects a movement of 180 degrees, as opposed to a complete turnaround of equal justice or 360 degrees, under the law. Despite the wisdom of our President, it will be many, many years before Bilbo's error is rectified, and an Amendment is passed, insuring that all Americans have equal rights.
ERA, it is way past time.