
Topic: "Bottom Ten"(9)
Texas, it should be apparent to any who have ever read anything penned by the Hobbit, is the absolute worst place in the world. Frodo believes that every resident inside the geographical boundary thereof is either brain dead or absent the resources to depart. The facts involved caused Frodo to muse over the other states that have absolutely no appeal to the Hobbit. So, for the record, and with apologies to the people trapped within these borders through no fault of their own, the next nine follow.
Oklahoma, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Utah arguably complete the "Bottom Ten" list headed, of course, by Texas. There are other states of dubious distinction, Arizona, West Virginia, Georgia, North Dakota, and Indiana which come readily to mind, but given the fact that 30% of Middle Earth has already been identified as individual toilet bowls, the Hobbit will halt here.
The Hobbit feels a certain obligation to provide a sense of scope to these ratings. Note that any state absent either mountains or a seashore is automatically identified as unfit for Hobbit habitation. The "Tea Party," the Mormon Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, Newt Gingrich, and the Koch Brothers are also institutions needing "institutionalization" as opposed to the presence of the Hobbit.
Despite the just, plain evil that exists in this list, no one, no where, can compare to the land that gave us George W. Bush, Rick Perry, Jerry Jones, John Connolly, Willie Gomert, Sam Stockman, and a trailing entourage beyond description. Let it simply be said that it is always a good day on the outside of these terrible places and the people who stay there.