
Topic: "Take a letter, dearie"
Frodo remembers often asking a very stupid question. The responses he got were always polite, but the further he gets from the asking, the more ashamed he is that he ever put the words together. He knows now that the black man kind of liked that seat in the back of the bus, shoot, it is generally the widest, and the air from open windows would make it cooler there than anyplace else. It was just that he didn't appreciate being told that that was where he had to sit.
The unity of a people is what brought about the glacial changes. The abuses which took place affected all of them, rich and poor, old and young, man and woman. It was a unity that extended far beyond any comparison to ending a senseless war. It was a unity that we will not see again, no matter how hard we try.
In Georgia, it is now the law that a woman and her doctor cannot proceed in her best interest without a mandated waiting period. Today, the Congress of the United States has commenced an effort to restrict military personnel from front line duty because of her gender. Family leave legislation is under assault from business groups all across the country. Tax laws have been amended which have enhanced the role of the non-working spouse and increased benefits for families with a greater number of children. All of which is, to Frodo, a little bit of reverse social engineering. Somebody has made the judgment that women don't want to sit anywhere on that bus, rather they like that back seat and that's where we're gonna put 'em.
Which brings us to Frodo's point. Nobody's going to do anything about it. Because the infringements are piecemeal, and not system-wide in their implementation, they can be piled on top of one another, brick by brick. Men are worthless as fighters in this battle. The result will not be unlike Edgar Allan Poe, and the foolish man looking for "The Cask of Amontillado." The light will be extinguished and the chains will tighten around the chest.
There is no unity of purpose. There is no communal uproar. There is no consensus. Frodo sees a feminine landscape as littered as that of the Party of the People.
It is time to combine the two. The Party of the People should select its' next Standard Bearer from the list of the ablest, most determined, most threatened of our fellow citizens. It is time.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 10:04 PM EDT