
Topic: "Happy Mardi Gras"(2)
Today is Fat Tuesday. Today is also the first publication anniversary for "Frodo, Keeper of the Ring." Frodo is very proud of the 215 entries which adorn the left-hand column in alphabetical order, and he is very grateful that some very good, and forever unseen friends encouraged him to begin this journey. It is, indeed, appropriate that a vagabond should embark on a journey without a destination in sight.
Frodo has received many comments, and some came from other parts of our small blue planet. People laughed about the study of sexual organs on male fish, and many cried as they stood with Frodo at the funeral of Pvt. Jesus Fonseca. The administrator of a small English town attacked his parody of the male populace who were forsaken by their spouses for a week to satisy a BBC reality TV show. Some readers told Frodo that they were as frightened when he recounted the van almost sliding off the mountain into the jungle on Dominica. One special person told Frodo that his hike in the land of the Cherokee reminded her of how much she missed those mountains. Many feigned disbelief reading about the rabbit in Bilbo's car.
Several special friends have told Frodo not to let up on the needs of the people of Orleans. In a place where the full brunt of creative effort goes into the celebrations of life and death, there is a continuing need to rekindle the human spirit. Frodo has promised that when he does return that he and Sam will "mainline" with the Wild Tchoupitoulas and DeJuan's Marchers in tribute to those lost to the flood.
Throughout, Frodo hammers at the incompetence and the residual evil of Sauron. With only the administration of Herbert Hoover for comparison, the Presidency of George W. Bush has done even greater harm to our nation. Frodo, with or without support, will continue to do everything in his power to wrest the ring from the control of this Incomparable Moron.
There is a professor who sometimes reads these lines, and Frodo writes for him. This man from a foreign land taught Frodo what it meant to live in the Shire. Frodo will never forget Gandalf.
There is a lady who fights a continual battle against a killer disease, and whose courage and grace inspire Frodo every single day. Frodo writes for Galadriel.
There is a journalist who shares Frodo's love for his homeland, who now hears what she cannot see. She will receive a signed copy of today's words to place next to her Pulitzer. Frodo writes for Merry.
There are all those who share in the Fellowship, who are a part of the stories which Frodo leaves behind. Boromir, Legolas, Tom Bombadil, Pippin, and Bilbo are very much a part of Frodo.
There are special places and moments and creatures that share our small blue planet, which we sometimes forget about. Frodo tries to use his words in their stead.
All our topics will now bear the number (2), and our titles will continue with words from the art form that above all others chronicles these years.
Sam and Frodo continue their journey, and greatly enjoy the company.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:01 PM EST