Topic: "Immigration Reform (2)"
Frodo has kept very quiet on the subject "du jour," as Sauron might say. Frodo and Sam have discussed their individual "take" on the subject, and they find themselves, individually, drawn in different directions. Not unlike many other social issues, there are far too many variables for there to be one, simple, answer. That is, unless you are a simpleton, and can summarize your opinion with a pithy phrase like "guest worker program."
The Statue of Liberty is a part of Frodo, and it is the welcome that he offers to all who come in search of a better life. The fact that so many have sacrificed so much to begin that new life in the Shire is humbling to Frodo. Frodo also recognizes that there is every valid reason to ensure that there is a regulatory process to which all must adhere.
Lou Dobbs has made the very valid point that the regulatory process has been circumscribed by those whose economic interests are best served by people willing to work at any price. It is nothing new. Frodo sadly observes that a huge number of the Citizens of Middle Earth combine xenophobia with resentment for the individuals who have violated the regulations.
Frodo knows that this exists in all the settled lands of Middle Earth. Sociologists have long taught us that from the earliest times, there have been groups; groups for protection, groups for the production of foodstuffs, groups to accomplish tasks beyond the scope of the individual. As long as there have been groups, there has been jealousy and discrimination between groups. It is nothing new. What is new is the attempt to deal with the conflicts by political leaders who are even dumber than their forebears.
Then, out of nowehere, Frodo sees something that underlines his faith. Amidst all the dark hordes of Orcs, he suddenly notes the names of Alain Maboussou, Quang Dao, and Dung Tran. Dear reader, these three immigrants dropped into a homeless shelter in Nebraska last Tuesday, and dropped off a donation for $6,000. These "immigrants" must have remembered what suffering was like, for they sought to soothe it.
Frodo remembered similar words spoken at a funeral, a long time ago. He smiled when he learned that these generous newcomers to the Shire had recently shared in a lottery jackpot. Frodo notes that there has been no inquiry from Members of Congress about the "status" of these immigrants.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 9:28 PM EDT