
Topic: "I Believe in Music (2)"
Oktoberfest 2000, Frodo and Sam are in Munich. It is pouring down rain, but the excited travelers are not about to let a little moisture get in their way. Unfortunately, everyone else who had made it to Munich was saying exactly the same thing. Undaunted, Frodo led the way to an open door and a weary and wet but merry band stumbled into the venue sponsored by Lowenbrau. There must have been 10,000 wet Citizens of Middle Earth in there, but none of them were as thirsty as Frodo.
Once the beer began to flow, Frodo began to explore. Amid the hustle of the crowd there stood a band on the stage.
"Listen Sam, they're about to start," said Frodo. "You are about to get your first lesson in Ooompah-pah-pah."
"Heeeyyy Babeee, I wanna know-oh-oh, Will you be my girl?"
Frodo was in shock, the band was playing and singing, in English, a great old soul song from the US of A. What was most amazing however, was the fact that the entire crowd was singing along, in English. Frodo and Sam joined in, and the mostly young crowd from all over the world was firmly united in celebration and sweet soul music.
This past weekend the Rolling Stones made their first appearance, ever, on the Chinese Mainland. Despite the desire of the political leadership in China to censor the now 60 year-old Mick Jagger and Friends, the Stones were unperturbed. After all, they operate from a play-list of more than 400 songs.
Frodo was struck by the crowd outside waiting to gain entry to the concert, all of whom were singing, albeit in that unique Chinese dialect, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." Frodo recalled the time in Munich and how he assumed, once again, that music was a great uniter of people, despite the best efforts of religion and politicians to undo that which brings people together.
The Chinese Government has announced the attending crowd at 8,500, and that it was mostly composed of "expatriates." Frodo paused, for he realized that he had made an assumption without knowing the relevant facts. That is what George W. Bush does, so Frodo decided he'd better further analyze the preamble of his theory of unity by rock-and-roll.
American television, particularly commercials, have been shown around the world, and for people who've never opened a can of beer, it looks like something they'd like to try. Just as Frodo once danced with the older teenagers on "American Bandstand," he is sure that kids in Lithuania are doing hip-hop with "50 Cent," this very moment. Frodo truly believes that young people in Iran are wearing make-up, and sports bras.
He just can't prove it. The proof is if the generation in power ever gives them all the opportunity to "get down" together. Peace just may have a chance.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:38 PM EDT