
Topic: "Turkey Day Walkabout"(2)
When the gallant Howard fell ill, he asked Sam to care for his "Boy," an overweight and emotionally perplexed mixed parentage white cat. Until the very end he asked Sam about his "Boy," and how he was adjusting to life in the Shire. In truth, the newly-christened "Beau Neau" adapted to the Shire and its' inhabitants as if he were the proverbial bear in a honey tree.
The "dog door" offered a window through to an outside piece of our small blue planet in which Beau Neau could rightfully stake a claim. Recognizing the fenced perimeter as the border with unregistered alien lands provided the parameters of his protectorate. As previously noted, every edible chipmunk, mole, mouse, butterfly, salamander, spider, or otherwise unidentified species came directly under the tutelage of this new Lord and Master. By the same token, the fenced yard provided security as well as limitations to the totalitarian regime. Rules vocationally enforced by the inimitable Mick, the Wonder Dog, who warns Frodo of potential incursions or excursions.
Last night however, proved to be an exception to all the rules. Frodo had evidently not properly secured one of the gates providing egress to Mordor, and the indomitable spirit of Beau Neau was eventually drawn to this security flaw. When Frodo finally noticed what had happened, Beau Neau was not to be found, and the evening had turned to a cold pre-winter's darkness. Frodo and Sam called and searched by artificial light to bring the knight errant back to the safety of the Shire. Alas, it was all for naught.
Frodo had a restless night, awakened often by thoughts of marauding coyotes who have been disengaged from their traditional hunting grounds by the incursions of civilization. An overweight white cat would provide meaningful fare for an entire family unit. Frodo tried to think like a cat, and decided to leave the exit gate open, the light above the dog door on, and the rear door ajar. Frodo reasoned that Beau Neau may eventually retrace his steps and return to the Shire when hunger and cold took hold. Sam, totally distraught, retreated for the evening, and Frodo could hear whimpers throughout the night.
Came the dawn, and Frodo arose with Mick, the Wonder Dog, in order to engage in their morning run and observation of the tints above the sunrise. As they passed through the living room, they observed an overweight white blob asleep on the couch. Frodo patted the head of his Eminence, Lord and Master, and firmly secured the gate in the yard of the Shire as he joined Mick, the Wonder Dog, in a mutually enjoyable sprint in the early morning on the Day before Thanksgiving.
There is much joy on this day in even this smallest of blessings in the land of the Shire; home to Frodo, Sam, and all the creatures who come in from the cold and seek a warm place to sleep. Tomorrow the bounty is shared, and a contented purr will be a welcome addition to the symphony.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:26 PM EST