
Topic: "Astronaughty" (2)
Frodo spent a little time today with the Men of Gondor, and they spent most of the time talking about Anna Nicole Smith, or, more appropriately, the late Anna Nicole Smith. From there the conversation digressed to "Desperate Housewives,""Boston Legal," and other television shows with which Frodo has little awareness other than name recognition. It seems that the premise of all these oft-watched shows is cheap and tawdry sex, even if in an exclusive atmosphere. That, perhaps, explains the easy segue from the late Ms. Smith.
What bothered Frodo afterwards is how quickly attention shifts in this era of instant fulfillment. Not once did any of the Men of Gondor mention a certain Astronautress who had captured attention earlier this week by allegedly attempting to convert a "menage-a-trois" into a more workable zone defense. Clad in a delay preventative adult garment, she motored 900 miles in order to talk sense into her rival. She left behind her soon-to-be ex-husband and three children, in order to properly dispose of the other interest maintained by a male Astronaut with whom she has been maintaining an "adult" relationship. All discussion of this seemingly untoppable behavioral toot has suddenly been halted by the latest, and the deadest.
Frodo is now considering sex in a weightless environment. Were he the producer of a hit TV show like "Desperate Housewives," Frodo would try to weave a show around shenanigans in an environment where the slightest movement would send bodies tumbling uncontrollably through space. Perhaps, he said, there has always been a latent sexuality to the Space Program that we non-participants never actually understood.
"Houston, the Eagle has landed."
"Tranquility base here."
"Roger that."
"That's one small step for Man. . ."
Now take the same words and imagine if they had been spoken by Anna Nicole while a passenger on the Space Shuttle?
"Hello, Mr. Spielberg? Frodo here. I have an idea for a movie. . ."
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:20 PM EST