
Topic: "Scooter" (2)
Mick, the Wonder Dog, has lost every vestige of patience with Scooter. Despite the innocent appearance and joyful expressions, his constant intrusions upon the peace and serenity of the Shire require a defensive posture. Aggression follows when there is an attempt to mark or otherwise infringe upon that which is the responsibility of the Wonder Dog. Frodo feels exactly the same way.
Scooter was a foster dog who wormed his way into the heart of Frodo's next-door neighbor, and erstwhile write-in candidate for Governor, Mr. Steve. Scooter is entirely peaceful, and maintains the bearing of one who is above the baser instincts of canine behavior. The creatures of the Shire, including Mr. Beau Neau, have taken delight in his presence, and have even found ways to mutually enjoy each others' company. That is, until Scooter decided that unannounced drop-in visits to Frodo's garage were appropriate. Adding to that, the occasional calling card proved to be more than Mick, the Wonder Dog, was prepared to ignore.
About the same time, the trial of "Scooter" Libby commenced in Washington, D.C. Frodo, in his zeal for justice, was often heard to scream something like "Fry the Snotty Bastard!" whenever mention was made of Libby on TV. Association, Frodo supposes, is what caused Mick, the Wonder Dog, to perhaps confuse the mention of the Cheney cloak-and-dagger bagman, with the unannounced presence of their next door neighbor. In any event, relations between the two canines has gone steadily downhill.
Now, Mick, the Wonder Dog, stands guard before his garage doors whenever Scooter strolls down the driveway. A slight snarl from his upper lip reveals a shiny set of canine molars prepared for action. A rumbling from deep in his thorax causes the most mild-mannered to take note of his displeasure. Scooter (the next door neighbor) heads toward another neighbor's yard, seeking relief. Scooter (the snotty bastard) had best be forewarned; enter the Shire at thy own peril. If a Hobbit doesn't kick your butt, then a Wonder Dog has his own methodology for making your memory improve.
Posted by loveysdaddyga
at 8:49 PM EST