Topic: "Da Juice Is Back" (3)
Frodo loved the circus. More than anything else it was the ladies on those flying trapeezes with tight-fitting costumes that flew through the air into the grasping arms of some gay guy from Turkey, without a net. It was cool, and anyone today subjecting themselves to some sort of computer game without the benefit of something so very sensual might as well grab onto their own gay Turk and head for the Men's Room in the Minneapolis Airport. They don't , in the words of Jon Stewart, "know dick."
OJ Simpson is back in the news. How Frodo has truly missed all the cast of "Judicial Acres." Who can today believe that bi-racial prosecuting attorneys, who had their own tryst while on the job, appearing before an Oriental Judge, using white male police detectives, one of whom has since relocated to Idaho, with a defense team consisting of everyone who has ever appeared with Nancy Grace, living or dead, failed to convict a guilty man, even with DNA evidence?
How wonderful it was to be so carefree to know that the majority of all incompetents were confined to employment in the California Justice System? Would that life were so simple now?
In the spirit of the circus, and without benefit of a net, Frodo is going to do his best to see how many of the characters in the "Trial of the Century" he can recall. Now remember, dear reader, this is entirely from memory, so if you want to add to the list, you must do so without benefit of "Google" or any other artificial supplement.
First, there was OJ, then Johnnie Cochran, Christopher Darden, Judge Itoh (first name forgotten), Mark Fuhrman, LA County Coroner Fong (?), AC Cowlings (who drove the white Bronco), Shapiro was another defense attorney, and, of course, Kaito whatever, the space cadet who lived in OJ's garage.
Aaarrrgh! What was the name of the other Prosecuting Attorney? You know, the one with the hideous mole above her lip? What about the other detective, he was bald, with a mustache? There was another couple of Defense Attorneys, oh yeah, Allen Dershowitz, and some other guy, who always talked through his nose?
Frodo looks forward to the day when he can pay equal respect to the memory of the people who brought you that other travesty of justice; the Iraq War.